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13 posts tagged with "Authentication and Authorization"

Matters related to identity and permissioning

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Graph API: getting users Active Directory group names and ids with the C# SDK

· 8 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

The Graph API is a great way to get information about users in Azure Active Directory. I recently needed to get the names and ids of the Active Directory groups that a user was a member of. Here's how to do it with the C# SDK.

I'm writing this post as, whilst it ends up being a relatively small amount of code and configuration required, if you don't know what that is, you can end up somewhat stuck. This should hopefully unstick you.

title image reading "Graph API: getting users AD group names and ids with the C# SDK" with the Azure Graph and C# logos

Azure Container Apps, Easy Auth and .NET authentication

· 8 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Easy Auth is a great way to authenticate your users. However, when used in the context of Azure Container Apps, .NET applications do not, by default, recognise that Easy Auth is in place. You might be authenticated but .NET will still act as if you aren't. builder.Services.AddAuthentication() and app.UseAuthentication() doesn't change that. This post explains the issue and solves it through the implementation of an AuthenticationHandler.

title image reading "Azure Container Apps, Easy Auth and .NET authentication" with the Azure Container App logos

Azure App Service, Easy Auth and Roles with .NET and Microsoft.Identity.Web

· 3 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

I wrote recently about how to get Azure App Service Easy Auth to work with roles. This involved borrowing the approach used by MaximeRouiller.Azure.AppService.EasyAuth.

As a consequence of writing that post I came to learn that official support for Azure Easy Auth had landed in October 2020 in v1.2 of Microsoft.Identity.Web. This was great news; I was delighted.

However, it turns out that the same authorization issue that MaximeRouiller.Azure.AppService.EasyAuth suffers from, is visited upon Microsoft.Identity.Web as well. This post shows hoew to resolve it with IClaimsTransformation.

Azure App Service, Easy Auth and Roles with .NET

· 6 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Azure App Service has a feature which is intended to allow Authentication and Authorization to be applied outside of your application code. It's called "Easy Auth". Unfortunately, in the context of App Services it doesn't work with .NET Core and .NET. Perhaps it would be better to say: of the various .NETs, it supports .NET Framework. To quote the docs:

At this time, ASP.NET Core does not currently support populating the current user with the Authentication/Authorization feature. However, some 3rd party, open source middleware components do exist to help fill this gap.

Thanks to Maxime Rouiller there's a way forward here. However, as I was taking this for a spin today, I discovered another issue.

Auth0, TypeScript and ASP.NET Core

· 10 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Most applications I write have some need for authentication and perhaps authorisation too. In fact, most apps most people write fall into that bracket. Here's the thing: Auth done well is a *big* chunk of work. And the minute you start thinking about that you almost invariably lose focus on the thing you actually want to build and ship.

WCF - moving from Config to Code, a simple WCF service harness (plus implementing your own Authorization)

· 11 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Last time I wrote about WCF I was getting up and running with WCF Transport Windows authentication using NetTcpBinding in an Intranet environment. I ended up with a WCF service hosted in a Windows Service which did pretty much what the previous post name implies.