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22 posts tagged with "Azure Static Web Apps"

The Azure Static Web Apps service.

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Static Web Apps CLI: improve performance with Vite server proxy

· 6 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

I often use the Azure Static Web Apps CLI for local development. It's not only handy when building Azure Static Web Apps, but also when building other types of web app, which also rely upon both a frontend server and some kind of API server. The Azure Static Web Apps CLI is particularly handy if you want to spoof authentication / authorization as well.

Changes in the behaviour of Node.js in version 17 caused issues with the Static Web Apps CLI. You can read a previous post which discussed this. However, whilst the issue was fixed in version 1.1.4 of the Static Web Apps CLI, it caused significant performance regressions in the CLIs dev server functionality.

This post shows you how to improve your developer experience by using Vite server proxy instead.

title image reading "Static Web Apps CLI: improve performance with Vite server proxy" with the Static Web Apps CLI and Vite logos

Configure Azure connection strings and keys in Azure Bicep

· 5 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Imagine you're deploying a solution to Azure. It'll feature some resources like a database or a storage account. How do can you configure your application with access to these resources? One approach would be using Managed Identity. Another approach is configuring the connection strings and access keys in our application's configuration store as the Bicep templates are deployed. This is a common approach when working with Azure Functions, Azure Static Web Apps, Azure Container Apps and similar.

title image reading "Configure Azure connection strings and keys in Azure Bicep" with the Bicep and Azure logos

A wonderful aspect of this approach is that no human need ever get to see the connection strings / access keys. They'll be discovered and consumed by Azure during a deployment, and known to your application at runtime, but untrustworthy humans need never get to see them. This is secure, and therefore good.

How we fixed my SEO

· 33 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET
A dedicated SEO and growth marketing firm for dev-focused, cybersecurity, fintech and deep tech startups

We might also call this:

I ruined my SEO and a stranger from Hacker News help me fix it

This is a follow up to my "How I ruined my SEO" post. That was about how my site stopped ranking in Google's search results around October 2022. This post is about how Growtika and I worked together to fix it.

As we'll see, the art of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a mysterious one. We made a number of changes that we believe helped. All told, my site spent about a year out in the cold - barely surfacing in search results. But in October 2023 it started ranking again. And it's been ranking ever since.

I put that down to the assistance rendered by Growtika. What was the nature of that assistance? I'll tell you. This post is a biggie; so buckle up!

title image reading "How we fixed my SEO" with images of graphs trending upwards in the background

Migrating to v4 Azure Functions Node.js with TypeScript

· 9 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

There's a new programming model available for Node.js Azure Functions known as v4. There's documentation out there for how to migrate JavaScript Azure Functions from v3 to v4, but at the time of writing, TypeScript wasn't covered.

This post fills in the gaps for a TypeScript Azure Function. It's probably worth mentioning that my blog is an Azure Static Web App with a TypeScript Node.js Azure Functions back end. So, this post is based on my experience migrating my blog to v4.

title image reading "Link Azure Application Insights to Static Web Apps with Bicep" with the Bicep and Azure Static Web App logos

Bicep: Link Azure Application Insights to Static Web Apps

· 3 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

If you're looking into a Production issue with your Azure Static Web App, you'll want to be able to get to your logs as fast as possible. You can do this by linking your Static Web App to an Azure Application Insights instance. If you've used the Azure Portal to create your Static Web App, the setup phase will likely have done this for you already. But if you're using Bicep to create your Static Web App, you'll need to do this yourself.

This post will show you how to do that using Bicep.

title image reading "Link Azure Application Insights to Static Web Apps with Bicep" with the Bicep and Azure Static Web App logos

Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js 18: could not connect to API

· 3 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

I make use of Azure Static Web Apps a lot. I recently upgraded to Node.js 18 and found that the Static Web Apps CLI no longer worked when trying to run locally; the API would not connect when running swa start:

[swa] ❌ Could not connect to "http://localhost:7071/". Is the server up and running?

This post shares a workaround. This works for v1.1.3 or earlier of the Static Web Apps CLI. If you're using v1.1.4 or later, you should not need this workaround. But in that case you might find this post helpful on improving performance with 1.1.4 or later.

title image reading "Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js 18: could not connect to API" with the Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js logos

Lighthouse meet GitHub Actions

· 12 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Lighthouse is a tremendous tool for auditing the performance and usability of websites. Rather than having to perform these audits manually, it's helpful to be able to plug it into your CI pipeline. This post illustrates how to integrate Lighthouse into a GitHub Actions workflow for an Azure Static Web App, and report findings directly in pull requests that are raised.

title image reading "Lighthouse meet GitHub Actions" with the Lighthouse logo and a screenshot of the results in a GitHub comment`